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Episode L: 50th Comic Spectacular
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

I decided to do something special for my first big milestone, my 50th comic.  Well, not that special, as my skills are pretty limited.

Frame I

Frame II

Frame III - Oooo... animated...  :-)

Frame IV

Frame V

Special thanks to Sakura for the picture of the monster-looking thing; it was her idea to use it.  Actually, I think she was just joking, but I used it anyhow.  Also, notice my crummy little .gif animation in the third frame.  It's made from my first .gif ever of Akira going super cockatiel.  Hey, it's my first one.

It took me almost six months to get to 50 episodes.  If you have any suggestions for number 100 (or maybe 75, but that's pushing it), feel free to post them on my board.