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Comic Episodes XLI - L
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

Another page of ten episodes, 41 through 50.  Enjoy.

Episode XLI: Trolling and Pimps and Bunnies, Oh My!

I didn't have enough ideas to make an entire comic out of either of these, so, like I often do, I shamelessly ripped off someone else's plot device.  Also: Possible foreshadowing of a future sub-plot?

Episode XLII: Get Well Soon, Toma!

At the risk of sounding cheesy, I decided to make a quick get well card of sorts for Toma and his lung.

Episode XLIII: Trapped in Hyperspace *

I know I said my sub-plot was over, but...

Episode XLIV: A Brave, Old World *

... As long as I was doing the whole time travel thing, I decided to rip off yet another book/movie.  Can you guess which one?

Episode XLV: The Langoliers *

CoolBob saves the day again!  I couldn't find any pictures on the internet of langoliers, so I drew my own.  They look bad, but the primitive computer animation from the movie looked almost as bad.

Episode XLVI: With Apologies to Stephen King *

That creepy little girl was actually one of the scariest things in the movie.  Or not.  It's been quite a while since I've seen it.

Episode XLVII: Homecoming *

I've finally brought my sub-plot to an end.  Seriously, for real this time.  Until I decide to make another one.

Episode XLVIII: The Not-So-Great Link

More Star Trek references.  I wouldn't have a comic if I didn't rip off other people.  And for those of you who might be worried that this is the start of a Dominion Wars sub-plot, it's not.

Episode XLIX: The Changeling

The most fun part of making this one was coloring the fake Vir and Isaac.  Too bad I didn't have an excuse to make fake versions of other people.  Next up: fusion!  Or not.

Episode L: 50th Comic Spectacular

Click the link above to go to a special page for my 50th Comic Spectacular.  (Okay, so maybe it's not that spectacular, but click the link anyhow.)

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