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Comic Episodes LI - LX
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

The 51st through 60th episodes of my humble comic.

Episode LI: A Tribute to Gore, Violence, and #eskimobob by Dave Pinkston

Yes, I know, a more blatent rip-off than usual of someone else's work.

Episode LII: It Hits the Fan

All this fighting and other n00bish behavior is getting old.  It's getting to the point that it's not even really funny anymore.

Episode LIII: It's So Wonderful! (I Surrender!)

When I see something cool like that, I tend to watch it over and over again, though maybe not for two days straight.
;-)  Also, that song became my favorite song for the week, and, as usual, I annoyed the heck out of my roommate with it.

Episode LIV: Football Season

It's not every day my team wins and I actually get to rub it in someone's face.  (I actually did this on his message board.)  Sorry Dave.

Episode LV: The Birds

Akira is a very jealous bird.  I admit, I do use that super cockatiel thing a bit to often.

[Nothing to put here yet.]

>>>>> NEW TEASER! <<<<<

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