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Comic Characters
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic


I have seen other comics that have a list of characters.  I decided to add one, too.  Actually, it just gives me a chance to show off my sub-par drawing skills, but why the heck not?

Your Humble Author

This is me, Vir Cotto, your humble author.  I used to go by the nickname EskimoBuu.  I swear, that name sounded a lot cooler when I first thought of it at 1:30 a.m., but it just lost it's cleverness.  In real life, I am a big nerd with glasses that collects watches.

"Admiral" Akira the Super Cockatiel

This is my bird Akira.  She is a cinnamon pied cockatiel.  I like to think of her as my comic's version of Dogbert.  Sometimes she turns into a "super cockatiel" and vanquishes her enemies.

L**** the B****

This is Larry the Bunny, or L**** the B**** as he prefers to be called, the subject of my first comics.  He is an annoying little s.o.b. who invaded the WWWBoard with his clones, then launched a profanity attack.  Even Buu could not stop him by turning him into a can of creamed asparagus.  Despite his proclaimed copyright powers, he was eventually banned from the WWWBoard and given a boot to the head.  After viscious attacks on his own board, he now resides in a bunker awaiting the day that the Bunny Reich rises again.


This is Toma.  He is one of the talented creators of Eskimo Bob, as well as the "grand magistrate" of the WWWBoard.  He is the one who banned Larry.

Kitsune the Fox

This is Kitsune.  He is supposed to be a fox, can't you tell?  Drawing animal-people is even harder than drawing regular people.


Sushi Man likes to eat raw fish (or so I assume), just like Bob and Alfonzo.


You have no idea the power he possesses!  He's a fishinanegg!

DarkPoser - the next King n00b?

The n00b Kingdom is a very politically unstable place.  New n00bs keep trying to overthrow the current administration and crown themselves King n00b.  Darkposer, a.k.a. Darkzero, is the latest challenger to the throne.

A.D.A. Jack McCoy

I wanted to make Jack McCoy a recurring character, but couldn't figure out how.  Oh well.

Georgie-Boy Shrub

Georgie-Boy Shrub.  He's the president.  I don't like him.  Enough said.

Bill O'Reilly used to be cool.

Bill O'Reilly was cool once upon a time.  That was before he became Georgie-Boy's secret lover.

Richard Seese

This is the almighty Richard Seese.  He is the supreme creator, controller, and guardian The Great Machine, better known as The Uplink2K Network.  He is a friend to all, and instrumental in leading us to victory in The Great n00b War.  (Okay, so this might need some explanation.  In Babylon 5, there is a Great Machine buried deep inside the planet the space station orbits.  It has superior weapons, far-reaching sensors, and can communicate through space and time.  A Minbari named Draal took control of it and used it to help win the Great Shadow War.)


This is Alien.  He is an alien, duh.  I think he is a fan of Richard Petty, but it is hard to tell.


This is CoolBob.  He is a mildly annoying chat room regular.  Someone cloned him on the WWWBoard, and he got mad.  Buu turned him into a bottle of milk of magnesia.

Tetsuo (formerly Jedi)

This is Tetsuo.  He used to be known as Jedi.  Tetsuo killed Jedi, though.  It sucks to just get killed like that, just ask Buu.


Dizzy is a tool of the capitalist oppressors.

Die Augenlider = The Eyelids

Die Augenlider mean "spewer of nonsensical ramblings" in German.  Actually, it simply means "the eyelids."  They think they're cool because they know German and others do not.  However, they did not count on confronting me and my vast knowledge of the language from several years of high school German (and, of course, the Google translator.)

Zitrone 1998-2002

Sometimes my conscience manifests itself in the form of my dead cockatiel Zitrone.


This is Sakura Unlimited.  She knows some Japanese.  She also makes sprites.

Unidan (sorry)

I didn't know what to draw for Unidan.  I drew a construction worker since Unidan is also the name of a company that makes construction equipment.  Hey, I never claimed to be creative.


This is accchick.  She is a recent WWWBoard regular who likes to play tricks on people.

An Honorable Warrior

Okay, so Eskimo Klingon isn't really anyone on the WWWBoard, he's just a picture i drew and wanted to show off.


Not really a character, I guess.  My secret weapon, a creation of my own design to protect my new message board.  The BANCANNON is 700 gigawatts of cold fusion-powered phased plasma n00b-vaporizing fun!

Don't forget to check out the real Eskimo Bob!