
News | Background | Disclaimer | Characters <RECONSTRUCTION> | Linkage <RECONSTRUCTION> | Contact | Newest | Comics I - X | Comics XI - XX | Comics XXI - XXX | Comics XXXI - XL | Comics XLI - L | Comics LI - LX | Bonus
News & Announcements
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

It's now my News page.  Important information for all my loyal readers

>>>>> NEW TEASER! <<<<<

If you want to link to my humble site, use image this as a banner.  ;-)

19 November 2002
I know it's been a while, but my comics aren't dead.  I considered discontinuing them due to all the fighting on the board, but I need something to keep me sane between school assignments.  Anyhow, only three new ones for today, another three to be posted soon.
Note:  Keep an eye on this page and my message board.  As I no longer go to the chat room, this page and my board are the only places new episodes will be announced.

26 October 2002
After hours of struggleing to get Tripod to work, I have posted two new comics.  One is my special 50th episode (thanks to Sakura for the suggestion).  The other is about that annoying Guildenstern guy.  Enjoy!

25 October 2002
Can't believe it's been almost a month since my last update.  I feel I should apologize to all my loyal readers for another long delay.  As I explained on my message board, I have been really overwhelmed with schoolwork lately, something that must always come first.  However, to reward you for being patient, today I am posting five new comics (Episodes XLV through XLIX).  I am also creating a Bonus comic page with some bonus non-E.B.-related stuff and some sketched for one or two possible new comic series.
I am approaching my first big comic milestone, the 50th episode. m If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to post them on my board.
Also:  Stay tuned for any news on possible future site moving.

29 September 2002
It seems weekends are the only times I have the spare time to make and post new comics.  Oh well.  Here are four more for you to enjoy.  They include such goodies as P. Lando, a get well card for Toma, and a continuation of my sub-plot.
-- Vir Cotto

Don't forget to visit my personal home page, as well as The Beacon, my collection of articles.