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History of the WWWBoard Comic
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

A more detailed explaination of the origins of Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard comic.

I had been visiting the message board longer than I had been the chat room.  For quite some time, a menace calling himself Larry the Bunny had been frequenting the board as well.  To his credit, his posts were mostly short and to the point: "Go to my site!"  However, as I had learned, posting on the board for the sole purpose of advertising one's site is considered "spamming" and is frowned upon.  This Larry, however, simply did not get the message.  His spam posts were getting on everone's nerves.  To make things even worse, Larry registered on the board under several different nicknames, expecting us all to be stupid enough to believe they were different people all singing the praises of his site.  To put it simply, he was a pain in the @$$.
The beginning of my humble comic can be traced to one short post by our own Richard Seese.  He said jokingly that he wished Larry the Bunny would come into the chat room so we could "show him who's boss."  Someone else responded stating that it would make a great chat room comic if Larry did show up.  I then responded that maybe someone should just make a WWWBoard comic of him instead.
But why wait for someone else to do it?  It was one of those rare days when I really did not have anything else to do, so I sat down with MSPaint and made a short comic ridiculing Larry.  (See Episode I.)  Under my former nickname, EskimoBuu, I used "majin" powers to turn a ridiculous little drawing of Larry the Bunny into a can of creamed asparagus.  This was quickly followed by a second one where Buu confronts Larry's countless clones.  I never expected to make any more.  As I left that evening for an exam, I expected that my comics would draw a few chuckles, then fade quickly away into the annals of internet history.
Was I ever wrong!
I returned from the exam later that evening to find a very confusing message board.  Messages about an "archive" that I did not understand, and even a post stating "This is one for the comics!"  I entered the chat room and, with the help of Kitsune's archive, I discovered what had transpired.
Upon seeing my comics, Larry the Bunny went into a rampage.  He posted a rambling message consisting mostly of extremely vulgar and perverse language.  Various members of the Eskimo Bob .com community responded the the post, ridiculing it relentlessly.  63 posts in 20 minutes.  Toma, a creater of Eskimo Bob and "magistrate" of the board, eventually deleted the entire thread.  Fortunately, Kitsune had already archived it.  As for Larry himself, he became one of the only people to be banned from the WWWBoard.
Another post of Larry's was directed at me, or rather, Buu.  He had this crazy notion that he had the name "Larry the Bunny" copyrighted and threatened to press "criminl" charges against me for using it, daring me to make more comics.  His threats, as hollow and down-right stupid as they were, were threats none-the-less, and I do not take too kindly to that.  Almost immediately, I made two more comics.
I thought that after Larry was gone that I would run out of ideas for new comics.  After all, they were not even that good to begin with.  But, in the wise words of Kitsune, "people smear their bodies in goat feces and hurl themselves against canvas and call that art."  I continue to make comics from time to time.  I find it has some stress-relieving properties which I need.  So, to all the members of the Eskimo Bob .com community, enjoy.
-- Vir Cotto

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