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Special Bonus Comics
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

Here is where I will post special or bonus comics that may or may not necessarily be E.B.-related.  I will also use this page to post sketches and ideas for future comics and/or series.

Gaming in Greece

I made this one after reading the article that said Greece had passes a new law banning all video games in that country.  Update:  Since first posting this, the Greek equivelent of the supreme court ruled the new law unconstitutional.

Bed Time Stories with Vir Cotto

People who were there for this incident will understand this.  Those who weren't won't.  I am not going to explain it.  So don't ask.

Gecko Sphere G

These are just some character "sketches" I made for a new series I am considering making, a parody of Dragonball Z.  Basically, once you collect all the gecko spheres, you can call the Eternal Gecko and make a wish... for car insurance.  Again, these are only sketches.  I may refine them a bit if I decide to go ahead with the series.

>>>>> NEW TEASER! <<<<<

If you want to link to my humble site, use this image as a banner.  ;-)