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Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

Important disclaimer regarding characters in Vir Cotto's WWWBoard comic.

To all those portrayed in my comics, I apologize for any un-flattering representations of you.  With the exceptions of Larry the Bunny and CoolBob (see Episode XI), no prtrayals are meant to be offensive.  In case you have not noticed, I am not a very good artist.  I may get better as time goes on. but for now, this is the best I can do.  If you really take serious issue with your portrayal, contact me and we can work it out.  I do not bite, you know.
I draw people based on the following criteria:
1)  Your nick name.
2)  Pictures of you that others have drawn.
3)  Generic Eskimo Bob-style bitmaps I may have laying around on my hard drive.
4)  Comments you make, on the WWWBoard or otherwise.  So be careful what you say.  :-)
And remember, though my drawings may be copyrighted the moment I create them according to American and international copyright law, the names are not.  ;-)

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