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Comic Episodes XXXI - XL
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

XL is the Roman numeral for 40, right?  Anyhow, here's the fourth set of ten episodes.  (Remember, episodes marked with * are part of my super-cool subplot.)

Episode XXXI: Pimp vs. Pimp

WTF indeed.  In honor of Conan O'Brien being on Comedy Central, I have declared this week Conan O'Brien week.  In this episode, the Pimpbot 5000 chases away Pimp Lando.

Episode XXXII: For Me to Poop On!

Conan O'Brien week continues.  Pimp Lando keeps stirring up trouble, and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog tells him what he really thinks of him.

Episode XXXIII: In 2002, Flame War Was Beginning (or "Deja Vu")

It seems the really interesting stuff always happens while I'm away for whatever reason.  As for him taking his head out of his @$$, well, he did apologize.

Episode XXXIV: They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha!

And I thought I was high-strung.  Some people need to just calm down and stop encouraging him.  (By the way, that's Jv in the last frame.)

Episode XXXV: A Person Can Dream, Can't He?

If people don't like my comics, fine, I don't care.  But to make such a big deal about it is just plain ridiculous.  Anyhow, this is why bitter, hot-headed people like me shouldn't have ops.  (And yes, by bird does wake me up when I want to sleep the most.)

Episode XXXVI: You Only Live Twice *

More sub-plot stuff.  Hmm... I thought I killed that pesky n00b Queen when I blew up the n00bian home planet of Za'ha'n00b.  She must be related to Rasputin.  ;-)

Episode XXXVII: The Sub-Plot Thickens *

So the n00bs plan to keep Eskimo Bob from ever being made, fancy that.  As for P. Lando's comment, draw your own conclusions.  ;-)

Episode XXXVIII: EskimoBob.com is Go! *

CoolBob's the ex-n00b defector, remember?  He knows all the ins and outs of the n00bs, se he is actually the perfect choice for tactical officer.  I sincerely apologize if you were not in this one.  I only had room for so many in the last frame.  :-(  (Hey, I'm not in it either, and it's my space ship.)

Episode XXXIX: Seduction to the Dark Side *

Just when it seems the n00b Queen's plans to erase Eskimo Bob from history by zapping the Guinans into another dimension would succeed, help arrives.  But what's this, CoolBob goes back over to the n00b side?  Is he really a traitor?  Read on to find out!

Episode XL: Endgame *

w00t for CoolBob!  And thus ends my first sub-plot.  Certainly not the best ending ever, but an ending never-the-less.  The n00b Queen is gone (for now) and Eskimo Bob's place in history is safe.

Coming soon:  Navigation buttons (i.e. Next, Previous, etc.)!