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Comic Episodes XXI - XXX
Vir Cotto's Eskimo Bob .com WWWBoard Comic

Third set of ten episodes.  (Note: Episodes marked with * are part of my super-cool subplot.)

Episode XXI: Ressurection

Even though I got tired of the name, I still like the Buu bitmap, so I brought him back for an episode.  In case you can't tell, this one is about "hello i am new to eskimo bob and wanted to say hi hell;o" or whatever the heck he called himself.

Episdoe XXII: SilentBob Strikes Back

See people, this is why I don't do requests.

Episode XXIII: The Name Game

Sometimes when I went into the chat room, a certain person there (You know who you are!) would blurt out my real name.  This made me a little upset.

Episode XXIV: The Godfather, Part II

Yes, another Godfather reference.  I figured, who better to help me out than the one person with a name stranger than mine.

Episode XXV: There is a Hole in Your Board *

Remember when a whole bunch of posts just diappeared from the WWWBoard?  I think it was more than just a server malfunction.  This may be the start of a subplot if I figure out where to go with it.

Episode XXVI: Those Were the Days, My Friend

Yes, those were indeed good days.  It was, sadly, the most fun I had had all that week.  Could this be a clue to a future sub-plot?

Episode XXVII: The Defector *

I've been a little hard on CoolBob in past episodes.  He's pretty harmless.  So, I decided to bring him back to the side of good (for now).

Episode XXVIII: A Call to Arms *

Perhaps I'm a little self-absorbed making myself the hero here, but my "author powers" let me do whatever I want, so there!  Yes, I really did buy a Romulan warbird on eBay.  :-)  It will show up again later in the subplot, too.

Episode XXIX: First Contact *

Martha Stewart is the n00b queen!  Bet you didn't see that coming!  Actually, I got the idea when I was looking for pictures of the Borg queen for this comic, and came across a Martha Stewart parody site which had her head on the Borg queen's body.

Episode XXX: Za'ha'n00b *

Star Trek and Babylon 5 references all in one.  Nifty!  If you've seen either show, you'll know that this is not really the end.

I am grouping episodes ten to a page (well, obviously).  Coming soon: navigation buttons (i.e. Next, Previous, etc.)!