The Beacon
Naperville Nazis
New Olympic Events
Airline Boycott
Dress for Success


The Beacon is a collection of online articles written by me. I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things, and hope to express some of them here. I hope you enjoy reading them. Constructive criticism is welcome. If you do not agree with me, too bad. Being able to have differences of opinion is what makes freedom od speech so great.  (You can always write your own articles.)


Click on the article name on the left of the page to read it!
23 Apr. 2002:  Still no new articles, but a brand new site.  I moved The Beacon to my new personal site Chronowerx.  Hopefully some new articles to follow.  Hang in there.
3 Mar. 2002:  Posted an article (sort of).  It is an adaptation of a short paper I had to write for a class.  If you are tired of the American aristocracy (corporate leaders) controlling our lives, you may find it interesting.
2 Mar. 2002:  Just some minor cosmetic tweaks.  Tripod updated its site builder with more options and more designs.  :-)  I want to check them out as soon as I can.  I really should update with an article or something, but I have been very busy lately with homework, studying, and tests.  Sometimes it seems all I do is take tests.  Spring break is coming up, though, so I will have time to do a major update then.
17 Feb. 2002: Still no new articles, but I have posted links to a couple others of great interest and importance. Americans' constitutional rights are in grave danger.
16 Feb. 2002: Started list of new Olympic events in honor of 2008 games in Beijing. Suggestions welcome. Changed design.
14 Feb. 2002: Decided to move articles to The Beacon from my personal page. Posted my first article.

Welcome to The Beacon

Disclaimer: I am a unique person with plenty of unique views on things. If you are easily offended, do not have an open mind, or simply do not have the stomach for controversy, then I suggest you not bother reading my articles.


Comments are always welcome.  Feel free to contact me at (take out the UPPERCASE letters, but you knew that).  It is a crying shame that one has to resort to such measures to avoid unwanted e-mail, but such is the pathetic world we live in.  Contact your local congressperson or senator and express the urgent need for national "anit-spam" and anti-telemarketing laws.