The Beacon
Airline Boycott


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Airline Boycott
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I have long been critical of the violation of our Fourth Amendment rights by airport security in the name of protection. The increases in security since 11 September 2001, rather than making me feel safer, have only served to instill in me the fear that our rights are at greater risk than ever before.

By Vir Cotto, 17 February 2002

Why is it that sometimes I feel that I have been kidnapped by interdimensional travelers and brought to a parallel universe where Hitler really did take over the world?

In light of the airlines' recent further violations of our Fourth Amendment rights (not to mention our human dignity), I have decided that it is time for a boycott of the entire airline industry. I thought that I was the only one advocating such drastic measures, until I read the articles to which I have linked below from I was somewhat surprised to see that there are people who agree with me, and I felt encouraged.

All the safety and security in the world cannot justify violating our rights as Americans. Our leaders claim they are protecting us from terrorists by taking away nail clippers and Swiss Army knives, and by making young girls unbotton their pants in public. (Yes, this has happened. Click on the links within the articles below.) I do not buy this rhetoric for one second. Adolph Hitler would have likely claimed that he was only "protecting" Germany.

So how do we fight back? How can we safeguard our rights before they are gone forever? Sound and logical arguments are ineffective against politicians armed with meaningless catch phrases about fighting terrorism. We must rise up and shout out at the top of our lungs in the only language politicians and corporate leaders understand, the language of dollars and cents. It is time for a national and widespread boycott of the entire airline industry. We must make them hurt where it counts, in their pocket books, until such time that they see fit to return to us our constitutional rights, as well as our dignity. Take the train, Amtrak could use the money. Put aside whatever fears you may have about oil or the environment and fill up the gas tank and drive to your next destination. Cancel that trip overseas. (If that trip is for pleasure, I think the Queen Elizabeth II still crosses the Atlantic. Also, one can book comfortable passage on cargo ships to foriegn ports.) We must do everything we can! Our rights are not a lost cause, people. This is a fight we can win.

I have plans to post my own article on this subject, but, unlike creating the page with Tripod's nifty templates, writing articles worth reading takes a lot more time and effort. As a college student, time is something I have in short supply. So until I do, read the articles here. Also, make sure to click on the underlined links within them to even more horror stories of airport security.

Got an airport security horror story of your own? Send it to me at (take out the UPPERCASE letters, but you knew that)! I would like to read and post as many as I can as further proof that airport security must be stopped. Links to other articles about rights violations are welcome as well.